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Analysis and design of global supply chains, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe
This research area focuses on the analysis of international supply chains, using the results to draw conclusions applicable to global corporate networks. The EU´s eastern expansion and the opening of previously isolated Central and Eastern European countries is creating new supply, production, and sales opportunities for traditional, western-oriented supply chains. Vienna, as the "gateway to the East," is a particularly advantageous location for analyzing and developing this potentail. For this reason, particular emphasis is being placed on the role of Central and Eastern Europe in global supply chains.
Market-driven and sustainable Supply Chains
Supply Chain management is a customer-oriented sector. contact to the end customer is particularly important, both to gather and pass on information about customer demands and to influence customers, i.e. through pricing instruments. In addition to customer orientation, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Interdisciplinary research projects emphasize the growing significance of this field.
(IT-supported) Supply Chain Management and resilience
A supply chain management concept across locations and companies wasn´t feasible until the emergence of information communications technology, for example object-oriented programming, main and hard drives with gigabytes of storage, and the internet. It will be necessary to develop even more sophisticated IT-supported SCM tools if the goal is to further reduce costs and improve customer service by increasing flexibility and shortening reaction times. We plan to strengthen and consolidate existing expertise in this area.
Supply Chains in the nonprofit and service sectors
Supply chain applications are generally found in the manufacturing sector (consumer goods, textiles, electronics). The transfer of supply chain management concepts to the nonprofit and service sectors is still in the very early stages. The Research Institute for Supply chain management will be focusing on strengthening this area through research on supply chain management in the nonprofit and service sectors, particularly in the field of disaster aid logistics.