Seitlicher Blick auf das D2 Gebäude.

Dr. Tobias Polzer

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Tobias Polzer
Trennlinie WU


Biographical Sketch

To­bi­as Pol­zer is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Organization Studies at WU Vi­en­na. He received a PhD in Pu­blic Ma­nage­ment from WU. Tobias was pre­vious­ly em­ploy­ed at Queen's Uni­ver­si­ty Bel­fast, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Essex and the University of Sussex. He was vi­si­ting re­se­ar­cher at UNSW Syd­ney (Aus­tra­lia), Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty (USA) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land (Aus­tra­lia).

Trennlinie WU


Research Interests

To­bi­as’ re­se­arch in­te­rests in­clu­de re­forms in the pu­blic sec­tor in the areas of digitalization, public governance, pu­blic financial management and pu­blic pro­cu­re­ment. His PhD the­sis has been pu­blished by Sprin­ger (2019). He has pu­blished in Re­se­arch in the So­cio­lo­gy of Or­ga­niza­ti­ons, Pu­blic Ma­nage­ment Re­view, Urban Studies, Cri­ti­cal Per­spec­ti­ves on Ac­coun­ting and Abacus, among others. A co-​edited vo­lu­me ('“Joined-​up” local go­vernments? Re­st­ruc­tu­ring and re­or­ga­ni­sing in­ter­nal ma­nage­ment', published in 2017) pro­vi­des an em­pi­ri­cal ac­count of how in­itia­ti­ves for joi­ning up ma­ni­fest in local go­vernments in sever­al Eu­ropean coun­tries. He will be a guest editor of a Special Issue on NGO performance, governance and accountability in the era of digitalisation in British Accounting Review.

Trennlinie WU


Research and Publications

A comprehensive list of research projects in which Tobias Polzer is involved as well as a list of his publications can be found in the FIDES documentation.