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Prof. Clive L. Spash receives Distinguished Service Award 2024

Society for Conservation Biology Europe Distinguished Service Award 2024

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Clive Spash has received Lifetime Award

Clive Spash has received a Lifetime Award in the 2021 Handelsblatt ranking of economists. He was ranked in the top 5%.

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Clive Spash receives WU City of Vienna Best Paper Award

The WU City of Vienna Best Paper Award in the category New Research Avenues has been awarded to Clive Spash.

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Nancy Fraser on Feminism and Climate Action for the 99%

Nancy Fraser, Visiting Professor for the summer semester, as guest at WU podcast "Inside Impact". Click here to listen.

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New publication: 'The economy' as if people mattered: revisiting critiques of economic growth in a time of crisis.

Spash, C. L. 2020. 'The economy' as if people mattered: revisiting critiques of economic growth in a time of crisis. Globalizations: 1-18. ABSTRACT Coronavirus (COVID-19) policy shut down the world…

Neue Leitung SEEP-Master: Clive Spash und Andreas Novy

Clive Spash Programmdirektor SEEP-Master

CEMS Outstanding Contribution Award

Clive Spash and Viviana Asara received the "CEMS Outstanding Contribution Award 2019"

Neue Publikation von Stijn Oosterlynck, Andreas Novy and Yuri Kazepov

Local Social Innovation to Combat Poverty and Exclusion - A Critical Appraisal

Kurt Rothschild Preis 2019

Andreas Novy und sein Team für die Publikation zu Karl Polanyi ausgezeichnet

Berufung an die Modul Universität, Wien

Full Professor for Real Estate and Regional Economics