Blick auf die Loungesessel in der Erholungszone vor dem D4 Gebäude.

Emphasis in Teaching and Research

The Department focuses on companies (and also public organizations and NGOs) as a whole. In its teaching and research it analyzes, with which strategies an organization achieves its objectives, and with which measures these strategies can be implemented in specific actions of the members of that organization.

The contents are thus multi-functional, and the focus is especially on leadership aspects of the organization, of marketing, accounting, and finance. Institutional characteristics, but also sector-specific features (e.g. different size, governance structures, or life-cycle phases of the organization), and the balance between stability and innovation play an important role in this context.

You will find an overview of the department's teaching program: eVVZ


Please follow the links to the WU directory and the lecture overview (teaching@VVZ):

Institute for Cognition & Behavior - Teaching
Institute for Corporate Governance - Teaching
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Teaching
Institute for Higher Education Management - Teaching
Institute for Markets and Strategy - Teaching
Institute for Organization Design - Teaching
Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization - Teaching
Institute for Strategic Management - Teaching

Institute for Strategy and Managerial Accounting - Teaching

Project Management Group - Teaching

Department Strategy and Innovation, Senior Lecturer  - Teaching



Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Executive Academy)