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Governance of foundational economy

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The governance of the foundational economy

The case of retailing and cultural initiatives in Wien-Innerfavoriten


Dr. Andreas Novy

Projektmitarbeiterin: Sigrid Kroismayr


1. Oktober 2019 - 30. September 2020


Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien 


The research project investigates retailing and cultural initiatives – as sectors of the foundational economy – in Vienna's  "Innerfavoriten" district. Both have the potential of strengthening place-based urban development by fostering a sense of belonging and identity in the neighbourhoods. The research project raises the question how retailing and the cultural and creative sector can be supported by innovative place-based and multi-level governance models and how they can cross-fertilise each other – thereby contributing to integrated and inclusive place-based development. Methodologically the research investigates regulatory frameworks, institutional networks of local businesses, civil society initiatives and public projects.