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Dengler, Corinna, Dr.

Dr. Corinna Dengler

Dr. Corinna Dengler

Postdoc / Assistant Professor (non-tenure track)

WU Vienna University of Economics
Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development
Welthandelsplatz 1/D4 2.268
1020 Vienna, Austria

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Corinna Dengler works as an Assistant Professor (non-tenure track) at the Institute for Multilevel Governance and Development (MLGD). Her research focuses on heterodox economics and in particular at the intersection of feminist economics and ecological economics. Prior to this position, she was employed as a research assistant at the department for economics and ethics at the University of Vechta (praedoc, 03/2017–02/2021) and at the department for development and postcolonial studies at the University of Kassel (postdoc, 03/2021 – 11/2021).

She graduated summa cum laude with a cumulative PhD on „Feminist Futures: What Degrowth Learns from the Feminist Critique of Science, Economics, and Growth” from the University of Vechta. Prior to her PhD, she studied economics (B. Sc., WU Vienna), development studies (B. A., University of Vienna), and Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy (M. Sc., WU Vienna) in Vienna, Moscow, and Quito.  

Journal article

2024 Dengler, Corinna. 2024. Rereading the Wages for Housework Campaign: Feminist Degrowth Reflections on Social Reproduction, Commons, and a Care Income. Read more
2024 Dengler, Corinna, Plank, Christina. 2024. Foregrounding invisible foundations: (eco-)feminist perspectives on provisioning systems. Read more
2023 Bärnthaler, Richard, Dengler, Corinna. 2023. Universal Basic Income, Services, or Time Politics? A Critical Realist Analysis of (Potentially) Transformative Responses to the Care Crisis. Read more
2022 Dengler, Corinna. 2022. Critical Realism, Feminisms, and Degrowth: A Plea for Metatheory-Informed Pluralism in Feminist Ecological Economics. Read more
2022 Dengler, Corinna, Lang, Miriam. 2022. Commoning Care: Feminist Degrowth Visions for a Socio-Ecological Transformation. Read more
2019 Dengler, Corinna, Seebacher, Lisa Marie. 2019. What About the Global South? Towards a Feminist Decolonial Degrowth Approach. Read more
2018 Dengler, Corinna, Strunk, Birte. 2018. The Monetized Economy Versus Care and the Environment: Degrowth Perspectives On Reconciling an Antagonism. Read more

Chapter in edited volume

2023 Dengler, Corinna. 2023. Ecofeminisms In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics. Hrsg. Padilla Rosa, Emilio, Ramos-Martín, Jesús. Read more
2023 Knobloch, Ulrike , Jochimsen, Maren A. , Dengler, Corinna. 2023. 30 Jahre Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften In: Wirtschaft neu ausrichten. Hrsg. Meier-Gräwe, Uta, Praetorius, Ina , Tecklenburg, Feline . Read more
2022 Dengler, Corinna, Strunk, Birte. 2022. Feminisms and the Environment In: Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics. Hrsg. Pellizzoni, Luigi, Leonardi, Emanuele, Asara, Viviana. Read more
2022 Dengler, Corinna, Lang, Miriam, Seebacher, Lisa M. 2022. Care In: Degrowth & Strategy. Hrsg. Barlow, Nathan, Regen, Livia, Cadiou, Noémie, Chertkovskaya, Ekaterina, Hollweg, Max, Plank, Christina, Schulken, Merle, Wolf, Verena. Read more
2022 Dengler, Corinna, Völkle, Hanna. 2022. Feminist Theory in International Political Economy In: A Research Agenda for International Political Economy. Hrsg. Deese, David. Read more
2021 Knobloch, Ulrike, Kleinert, Ann-Christin, Dengler, Corinna. 2021. Gestaltungs- und Transformationsprozesse zukunftsfähigen sorgenden Versorgens. In: In Zukunft ohne Geld? Theoretische Zugänge und gelebte Alternativen. Hrsg. Preissing, Sigrun; Schubert, Gottfried; Lehner, Heidi. Read more
2021 Dengler, Corinna. 2021. Degrowth In: The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Economics. Hrsg. Berik, Günseli; Kongar, Ebru. Read more
2020 Dengler, Corinna. 2020. Feministisch-Ökologische (Postwachstums-)Ökonomie In: Geschlechterforschung in und zwischen den Disziplinen. Gender in Soziologie, Ökonomie und Bildung. Hrsg. Hahmann, Julia; Knobloch, Ulrike; Kubandt, Melanie; Orlikowski, Anna; Plath, Christina. Read more
2019 Dengler, Corinna, Nogly, Joanna. 2019. Aktivistische Wissenschaft: Ein Ausweg aus der Eindimensionalität? In: Paralyse der Kritik – Gesellschaft ohne Opposition. Hrsg. Bruder, Klaus-Jürgen et al. Read more
2019 Dengler, Corinna. 2019. Alltägliche Grenzziehungen. Die Rolle der nicht-monetären Versorgungsökonomie in einer (Post-) Wachstumsgsellschaft In: Alltägliche Grenzziehungen: Zum Konzept der Imperialen Lebensweise und seinen Implikationen. Hrsg. Book, Carina et al. Read more
2019 Dengler, Corinna, Lang, Miriam. 2019. Feminism Meets Degrowth. Sorgearbeit in einer Postwachstumsgesellschaft In: Ökonomie des Versorgens. Feministisch-kritische Wirtschaftstheorien im deutschsprachigen Raum. Hrsg. Knobloch, Ulrike. Read more

Popular science article

2018 Dengler, Corinna, Lisa Marie, Seebacher. 2018. Growth Pessimism, but Degrowth Optimism. Read more

Other scientific publications

2024 Dengler, Corinna, Dornis, Nora, Heck, Lukas, Völkle, Hanna. 2024. Klimafreundliche und gesundheitsfördernde Aspekte von Zeitwohlstand. Read more
2019 Anna, Saave-Harnack, Dengler, Corinna, Muraca, Barbara. 2019. Feminisms and Degrowth: Alliance or Foundational Relation?. Read more
2017 Dengler, Corinna, Sielert, Deborah. 2017. Politiken der Reproduktion – Politics of Reproduction. Read more

Doctoral thesis

2020 Dengler, Corinna. 2020. Feminist Futures: Was Degrowth von feministischer Wissenschafts-, Wirtschafts- und Wachstumskritik lernt. Read more

Master's thesis

2017 Dengler, Corinna. 2017. Ecuador’s Citizens’ Revolution: Powered by Oil Extraction? Regulationist Perspectives on the (Neo)Extractivist Mode of Development. Read more
Consultation hours

Please write an email for an appointment.


Information about classes available at the WU Course Catalog - VVZ

Fields of research

Detailed information can be found in the PURE-Database

  • Ecological Economics, Degrowth, and Environmental Justice

  • Feminist Economics, Care Work, and Gender Justice

  • Global Political Economy and Critical Development Studies. Regional Focus: Latin America

  • Philosophy of Science. Focus: Critical Realism, Feminist and Postcolonial Critique of Science.