[Translate to English:] Wirtschaftsinformatik und Gesellschaft

Bachelor's Thesis


  • min. 40 pages - max. 45 pages in total recommended (excl. title page, table of contents, references, and appendix)

  • Spacing: 1.5, Font and Size: Times New Roman 11pt


  • German or English

Time Frame:

  • 8 ECTS = 200 hours workload (approx. 1.5 months full-time)

  • max. one semester (6 months) from the day of registration with the advisor

  • please note: the institute reserves the right to lay down the supervision of any thesis exceeding this time frame

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Correct citation (according to a generally accepted in-text (no footnotes) citation style (APA Style 6th edition recommendedhttp://www.wu.ac.at/ec/courses/thesis), sources must be given in alphabetical order)

  • Use of a variety of scientific literature sources

  • Well-reasoned method

  • Clear structure of the text

Please note:

  • All papers will be checked for plagiarism; if plagiarism is detected the student immediately fails the thesis project

  • Your language skills, i.e. spelling and grammar mistakes, style of writing and the use of a professional language will have an influence on your grade (via the fulfillment of formal criteria)