Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude


We are very pleased to see that you are interested in writing your Bachelor thesis in the area of Markets and Strategy.

You can find the most important infos below. Please take the time to read through the guidelines.

Guidelines for a successful Bachelor/Masterthesis

Requirements for writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the institute


  • WU- terms: StEOP, CBK, and completed „Fundamentals of scientific writing“ course

  • Institute-terms: SBWL/Specialization “Decision Sciences: Game Theory, Psychology,
    and Data Analysis” (in special cases bring a different kind of evidence of sufficient interest and knowledge in our subject areas), availability of supervision, positive answer by a supervisor, proposal and preliminary outline corresponding with the quality standards of the institute


  • Completion of the “How to write a thesis” course or a similar course 

  • Evidence of sufficient interest and knowledge in our subject areas, availability of supervision, positive answer by a supervisor, proposal and preliminary outline corresponding with the quality standards of the institute

Possible Supervisors

  • Jakob Möller
    Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Gender Economics, Economics of Discrimination, Microeconometrics, Machine Learning

  • Felix Ubl
    Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, (Behavioral) Game Theory, Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty, Matching Theory

  • Anita Zednik
    Applied Microeconomics, Experimental Economics, Cultural Economics, Consumer Behavior, Discrete Choice Model

Submission and Evaluation
Cover Sheet Bachelorthesis
Evaluation Form
Citation Rules German
Citation Rules English
You have to submit your thesis electronically via:

After the plagiarism test your supervisor has 8 weeks to enter your grade into the system.