
More than one third of WU-freshmen come from abroad. Considering all WU students that makes almost 30%. 18% of WU-freshman (and 15% of all WU students) come from Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America or Africa. The range of courses offered matches the strong presence of students from CEE countries and new growth markets. At the same time, Austrian students get the possibility to enhance their economic, legal and cultural knowledge as well as their knowledge of languages of these regions.

Members of the Competence Center conduct several courses related to Emerging Markets and CEE – in WU Bachelor- as well as WU Master programs, and in further education and advanced training programs.

  • Experiental courses

  • Field trip / study trip programs

  • Customized advanced training programs for managers and companies

In addition, we offer the following services:

  • Specialized training programs

  • Information on all courses offered by WU related to Emerging Markets and CEE