[Translate to English:] Institut für Kommunikationsmanagement und Medien

Andreas Enzminger

Andreas Enzminger WU Wien

Andreas Enzminger is a postdoctoral research assistant in the Institute for Communication Management and Media, based within the Department of Foreign Language Business Communication at WU.

Before joining the university in December 2020, Andreas was based within the Institute for Communication Science at the University of Vienna. There, he was employed as a predoctoral researcher (2013-2019) and as a university lecturer (2016-2020), and he received his doctorate in Communication Science from the university in 2019. Andreas served as a postdoctoral researcher on the Kommunikationsmuster der Radikalisierung (COMRAD) project from 2019-2020, and was involved in the TV-Geschichtsvermittlung im transnationalen Raum international project from 2013-2020.

In his new role, Andreas will focus on conveying quantitative methods for the social sciences, co-shaping the empirical research program around professor Jens Seiffert-Brockmann and implementing it.

Journal article

2022 Rizun, Volodymyr, Tukaiev, Sergii, Havrylets, Yurii, Vasheka, Tetiana, Enzminger, Andreas, Grimm, Jürgen, Palamar, Borys, Olena dolgova, Olena Dolgova, Pravda, Oleksandr, Makarchuk, Mykola. 2022. Media trust among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Read more
2020 Tukaiev, Sergii, Havrylets, Yurii, Rizun, Volodymyr, Grimm, Jürgen, Enzminger, Andreas, Zyma, Igor, Makarchuk, Mykola. 2020. Short-term media effects include the alterations of sensitivity towards the real violence from the past. Read more
2016 Grimm, Juergen, Rizun, Volodymyr, Enzminger, Andreas, Havrylets, Yurii, Tukaiev, Sergii, Khylko, Maksym, Bogdana nosova, Bogdana Nosova. 2016. Memorial Culture in Ukraine in the Context of Media Perception of Historical Problems (based on documentaries about the Holocaust and Holodomor). Read more


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