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Webinar with Claudio Borio, Monday, November 16, 2020

12. November 2020

Invitation to the webinar with Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements “Monetary policy challenges: economic, intellectual and institutional”.

Claudio Borio is one of the internationally most recognized monetary policy experts. Monetary policy had a crucial role in fighting both the Great Financial Crisis of 2007/09 as well as the current Covid-19 crisis. Central banks moved into completely new – often unchartered waters – in order to contain the economic effects of the crises.  Now, several large central banks, like the U.S. Fed or the European Central Bank, are in the process of reviewing their monetary policy strategies.

Thus, what will be the future of monetary policy?

The webinar is jointly organized by Aurel Schubert, former Director General Statistics, ECB and by the Institute for Analytical Economics at WU Vienna.

After registering by email (, you will receive the MS Teams link for the Webinar which can be opened directly from your web browser without having to install MS Teams.

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