Studierende stehen vor dem LC und blicken lächelnd einer Kollegin mit einer Mappe in der Hand nach.

ERP - Enterprise and Resource Management

Please note that as of the new textbook, the ERP and BW case studies have been merged and developed further.

All author's royalties go to Nachbar In Not - Ukraine

Book 1

Bagnato, D., Müller-Török, R., Prosser, A.
Business Computing with SAP
Facultas Verlag, Vienna, 2022

Not published yet

Bagnato, D., Müller-Török, R., Prosser, A.
Business Computing with SAP
Facultas Verlag, Vienna, 2022

Prosser SAP ECC

Müller-Török, R.; Prosser, A.: SAP ECC in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung / SAP ECC in Public Administration, both forthcoming

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