Eine lächelnde, springende Studentin.


New Paper by Corinna Dengler, Hanna Völkle and Sarah Ware

The paper called "Time and space for social-ecological transformation: care-full commoning in and beyond the ecofeminist city" by Corinna Dengler and Sarah Ware from our institute and Hanna Völkle…

Sarah Ware is leaving for CEU

This week, we said goodbye to our colleague Sarah Ware, who has been a part of our institute (formerly MLGD, now ISSET) for five years. Sarah is now taking on a position as Junior Visiting Researcher…

New Working Paper of Franziska Disslbacher

Inequality in life and death – how 1/3 of the population passes away leaving behind debt in Vienna. In this new working paper, Franziska Disslbacher and Severin Rapp use a new data source on wealth in…

Manfred M. Fischer is honoured as a Top Scholar

by ScholarGPS for his outstanding performance in various Fields, Disciplines, and Specialties. His strong publication record, the impact of his work, and the notable quality of his scholarly…

ISSET's Juergen Braunstein bei New York Climate Week Panel

Während der New York Climate Week nahm Dr. Juergen Braunstein vom ISSET an einem Panel zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit und globale Entwicklungspraktiken teil. Das Panel wurde von Michael Mortimer,…

Stefanie Peer im Standard

Im Standard-Artikel vom 20.09.2024 Scientists for Future - "Teufelsspirale" durch Raumplanung und Verkehr fordert Stefanie Peer kräftigere Raumplanungsgesetze.

Franziska Disslbacher im Standard über Erbschafts- und Vermögenssteuer

In diesem Standard-Artikel wird neben weiteren Studien Franziska Disslbachers Forschung zu Vermögenssteuern vorgestellt. Ein Fazit: „Selten sei sich die Ökonomie so einig gewesen, dass die Besteuerung…

Studentische Mitarbeiter*innen gesucht!

Für das ERC-Projekt "Energy Transitions and the Rise and Fall of Great Financial Centers" suchen wir derzeit zwei studentischen Mitarbeiter*innen mit jeweils 20 Wochenstunden für vorerst 3 Monate: …

Conference: Imaginaries and Strategies for Good Care and Good Housing in Times of Transformation

The conference "Imaginaries and Strategies for Good Care and Good Housing in Times of Transformation" will take place at Vienna University of Economics and Business from May 23rd to 24th 2024.

Public Lecture by 7th Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor Attila Melegh

Inspired by Karl Polanyi, the Hungarian-Austrian critic of market fundamentalism, the Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship stimulates debates on burning issues of the 21st century – from…