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Research Talk, May 17, 2016: Suchi Gopal [Boston University, Department of Earth & Environment]


Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Time: 05:00 pm
Location: Building TC, Upper Level 4, Room 4.12, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna

Institute for Economic Geography and GIScience
Research Institute for Supply Chain Management

Lecture Series of the Research Institute for Supply Chain Management
Summer Semester 2016

Topic: Women in Fisheries and Clothing Supply Chain in Cambodia -A Spatial Scenario Analysis

The world is increasingly interconnectedwithGlobal value chains dottingthe international trade landscape.Women-led supply chains is critical in fisheries, agribusiness, food processing, waste recycling, energy,and textiles. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Cambodia with 50% of female labor force. Gendered supply chain analysis offisheries issignificant in the context of food security and poverty eradicationin Cambodia. Fish provide nearly 75% of the national animal protein intake and employs an estimated 3 million people. Women are engaged in production and capture as well as preparation of value added products and sales in fishing. But many limitations hold women back from participating more fully and equally to men in thefisheries in different regions of the country. Garment and textile exports account fornearly77% of Cambodia’s total exports, dominated by women in urban regions such as Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Speu and Siem Reap. Women produce garments for major global brands such as Calvin Klein, Clarks, H&M, Levi's, Macy, Nike, Old Navy, Puma, Reebok, The Gap and Wal-Mart.Women often experience discriminatory and exploitative labor conditions. My talk will focus on spatial scenario analysis to highlight and analyze gendered supply chains in Cambodia and prescribe sustainableand ethical supply chain practices that favor equal and fair wages, access to capital for women, and education.

BioSketch: Suchi Gopal isa professor in the Department of Earth and Environment and Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University. Her research interests span many areas including spatial analysis, GIS, pattern recognition, regional taxonomy and classification and modeling.Her research is multidisciplinary dealing with spatial analysis and modeling, GIS, data mining and information visualization and artificial neural networks. She hasapplied spatial analysis to address a variety of problems in biology, environmental science, public health and business. She has use neural networks for pattern classification, estimation and mixture modelingin remote sensing and GIS. Her pastfunded research includes development of a marine integrated decision analysis system (MIDAS) for Massachusetts, malaria risk mapping in Ethiopia, analysis of patent activities in China, and mapping health service delivery in Zambia.

She is currentlyfunded by the MacArthur Foundation on assessing the impact of climate change on food security and biodiversity in Cambodiaand the National Science Foundation on a GK-12 grant—Global Change Initiative—Research and Education (GLACIER) focusing on outreach to middle schools in the Boston area. She has over 100 publications and conference presentations.

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