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Prof. Clive L. Spash receives Distinguished Service Award 2024
January 8th, 2024: Prof. Clive L. Spash has been named as recipient of a Distinguished Service Award, by the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) for his long-standing commitment to the SCB Mission of conserving Earth’s biological diversity.
The SCB Europe Board voted unanimously to approve two Distinguished Service Awards recommended by the Scientific Committee. The DSAs will be awarded at 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology, 17-21 June 2024 in Bologna, Italy, where the recipients will deliver plenary lectures.
Jürgen Braunstein zum Thema "grüne Finanzzentren"
Im Artikel Können erneuerbare Energien den Frieden fördern? (Der Standard am 27.09.2023) spricht Jürgen Braunstein über grüne Finanzzentren.
A warm welcome to Katharina Litschauer!
We are delighted to welcome our new Teaching and Research Associate with effect from 1st August, 2023: Katharina Litschauer.
Franziska Disslbacher awarded with the Dr. Maria Schaumayer prize
Congratulations to Franziska Disslbacher who was awarded the Dr. Maria Schaumayer prize for the advancement of carriers of women for her dissertation “Inequality of What among Whom? Essays on Socio-Economic Inequalities, Systematic Errors in their Measurement and Novel Correction Methods”
A warm welcome to Franziska Disslbacher!
The institute is delighted to welcome our new assistant professor with effect from 1st July, 2023: Franziska Disslbacher.
Franziska's research centers on understanding the social, economic and political mechanisms linking inequalities in outcomes to inequalities in opportunities. Prior to joining the Institute of Economic Geography & GIScience, Franziska was a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley and LISER and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University Roma Tre. Franziska is a research associate at the Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality at the City University New York and a research fellow at the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics. She is also affiliated with the Research Institute Economics of Inequality at WU Vienna.
Franziska was awarded a grant from the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) for her project “MOBILITY-PATH”. Read more about it here.
Jürgen Braunstein zum Thema Energie- und Mobilitätswende
Im Artikel "Die grüne Stadt: Wer zahlt für die Nachhaltigkeit?" (Die Presse am 11.02.2023) spricht Jürgen Braunstein über sein neues Projekt.
Now in print: paper "General Bayesian Time-Varying Parameter VARs for Predicting Government Bond Yields"
Manfred M. Fischer’s paper „General Bayesian Time-Varying Parameter VARs for Predicting Government Bond Yields”, with Nico Hauzenberger, Florian Huber and Michael Pfarrhofer on flexibly modeling structural breaks in the dynamic evolution of government bond yields is now in print in the January/February 2023 Issue of the Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Beitrag für den APCC Special Report
Gemeinsam mit Hans Volmary (Multi-level Governance) und Xenia Miklin (Ecological Economics) trug Jürgen Essletzbichler das Kapitel "Ungleichheit" für den APCC Special Report „Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben“ bei.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien: Klimafreundliches Leben braucht geeignete Strukturen (
Wir heißen Jürgen Braunstein willkommen!
Seit 01.10.2022 ist Jürgen Braunstein Teil unseres Teams - wir heißen ihn ganz herzlich willkommen!
Hier geht es zu seinen Publikationen in WU Research. Informationen zu seinem neuen Forschungsprojekt finden Sie hier: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien: ERC-Starting-Grant für WU-Forscher Jürgen Braunstein