Außenansicht des D3 Gebäudes

Competition Law in Conversation

The Competition Law in Conversation series is a joint project by the Competition Law and Digitalization Group at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, and the Chair in International Antitrust Law at the University of Graz. The aim of the series is to provide a forum dedicated to discussing current issues that are of interest to the wider competition law community. It wants to provide an opportunity to engage in a discussion from a transnational point of view and make the best of the new culture of online webinars. The organisers’ hope is that each single conversation in the series will shape and contribute to the broader debates that we lead in competition law.

Let’s start the conversation!

18. March 2024: New Market Definition Notice

24. October 2023: Priority-setting in Antitrust in the Digital Era

23. May 2023: Smart Farming

25 April 2023: Digital Merger Control: Past, Present and Future

06 December 2022: Online Distribution Under the New VBER

18 October 2022: Gatekeeper Status under the DMA

24 March 2022: Digital Mergers and Killer Acquisitions

24 May 2022: Cloud Computing and Competition Law

16 November 2021: Digital Ecosystems and Competition Law

19 October 2021: Antitrust vs Privacy

20 April 2021: Rethinking Competition Law

09 March 2021: Digital Competition Law Reform - Austria and Germany

15 December 2020: Digital Remedies