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During IMM21 two workshops will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday.


Workshop 1: "Adjectives, categorization and argument structure"

Download the detailed program here. [PDF] 

Wednesday, Aug. 28 | TC.3.06
Pt. I: Introduction & Keynote
16.00-16.30Martina Werner & Laura Grestenberger (Austrian Academy of Sciences)Introduction to the workshop
16.30-17.30Keynote: Antonio Fábregas (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU)
“Adjectives, prefixation and argument structure: symmetric and non-symmetric relations within the AP complex”
17.30-18.00Coffee break
Pt. II: Adjectives at the lexicon-syntax interface
18.00-18.30Thórhallur Eythórsson (University of Iceland)Adjectival predicates with oblique arguments in Icelandic
18.30-19.00Carolina Marescotti (University of Pisa)Verbalizing qualitative vs. relational adjectives in Ancient Greek
19.00-19.30Elisabeth Gibert-Sotelo (Universitat de Girona)The nature of adjectives in the light of Spanish (categorizing?) prefixes
Thursday, Aug. 29 | TC.3.06
Pt. III: Universal category or not?
14.30-15.00Luca Alfieri, Daniela Baldassarre, Diego Luinetti, Leonardo Montesi & Maria Simoniello (Università degli Studi G. Marconi, Roma)Levels of analysis and adjectival typology
15.00-15.30Víctor Acedo-Matellán (University of Oxford) & Isabelle Roy (Nantes Université / CNRS)Adjectives in an adjective-deficient language: Wolof
15.30-16.00Phoevos Panagiotidis (University of Cyprus)Adjectives: from bicategoriality to relationality
16.00-16.30Coffee break
Pt. IV: Argument structure, gradability and morphosemantics
16.30-17.00Abdelkader Fassi Fehri (Mohammed V University, Rabat)Arabic adjective words and classes and their complexity at the interfaces
17.00-17.30Maria Bloch-Trojnar (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)The interaction of event structure and argument structure with gradability in deverbal active adjectives in Polish
17.30-18.00Madeleine Butschety (University of Nova Gorica) & Petra Mišmaš (University of Nova Gorica)For better or worse, we need to talk about -š


Workshop 2: "Words in the Mind: A Workshop on Experimental Morphology"

Download the detailed program here. [PDF]

Wednesday, Aug. 28
16.00A. VillalvaAbout morphological processing & the WoMi workshop
16.30P. Armelin, M. Marcilese & C. NameNon-compositional meaning: word processing and formal linguistic theory
17.00Coffee break
17.30A. Gupta, C. Redmon, F. Plank, A. Lahiri & C. EulitzDisentangling morphological and phonological effects in the recognition of complex words in German
18.00C. Pinto, A. Villalva, R. Minussi, C. Silva & E. LimaMorphoPlay: assessing word morphological knowledge in European Portuguese children to identify and support literacy learners
18.30Poster session
 D. Garcia; J. Gomes; K. AbreuThe time course of word recognition in Brazilian Portuguese: a priming lexical study comparing skilled adult readers and developing 4th-grade readers
 J. Gomes; I. PederneiraThe root meaning of polysemous verbs in Brazilian Portuguese: a priming self-paced reading study
Pinto, C. Lavos, M. Sousa, R. Espírito Santo
Lexical access and visual word processing mediated by morphological constituents in children with language disorders
Thursday, Aug. 29
16.00I. Fally & E. SmolkaThe impact of morphological structure on the processing of prefix verbs
16.30I.Pederneira & T. AlvesAn experimental analysis of idiomaticity in prefixed words in Brazilian Portuguese
17.00Coffee break
17.30L. Sandström & M. RosenbergMorphological processing of ambiguous compounds: Evidence from Swedish
18.00J. Gomes, M. Leitão & M. DuarteThe processing of compound nouns in bilinguals Portuguese - English: a priming study
18.30A. Villalva, R. D. Minussi, J. Ferrari Neto, G. EstivaletTheoretical hypothesis under the scrutiny of experimental results: the morphological nature of blends
19.00Closing words



Call for Papers

Workshop 1: Martina Werner & Laura Grestenberger (Austrian Academy of Sciences)Adjectives, categorization and argument structure CfP (Deadline: Dec. 15th)
Workshop 2: Alina Villalva (University of Lisbon), Carina Pinto (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal), and Rafael Minussi (Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil),Words in the Mind: A Workshop on Experimental MorphologyCfP (Deadline Nov. 30th)