Hintere Außenansicht des D2 Gebäudes

Course IV

Responsible Interactions as a Core for Ethics in Management (Institute for Business Education; 4 ECTS)

Ethics in management is not only important when it comes to major business decisions, it also becomes - and sometimes even more so - evident "on a small scale", when dealing with other people like superiors, colleagues or clients. The way in which a person meets other people, communicates with them and is prepared to engage with them changes the working environment and working conditions and thus has an influence on people's commitment, performance and well-being. This course focuses on responsible and appreciative interactions with others in the professional environment.

Students will learn to

  • Assess the factors that influence the perception and evaluation of people and their (un-) ethical behaviour towards others

  • Communicate effectively and authentically and reflect on the impact of their communication

  • Listen actively and thus develop empathy and create the prerequisite for communicating effectively

  • Give and take constructive feedback

  • Analyze various social situations and their ethical aspects in the business context and develop measures to manage and improve them for those involved
