Ausschnitt eines Glasdachs des LC Gebäude

Bachelor Thesis

If you are interested in writing your Bachelor Thesis at the Demography Group, please provide an exposé and a letter of motivation. The length of your Bachelor Theses should be 30-40 A4 pages including a 150 word abstract. You may choose/suggest the topic of your thesis yourself. In addition underneath please find a suggestion for a topic.


  • 1000 words

  • Working title

  • Research question

  • Approach / Methodology

  • Structure

  • Literature review (first draft)

  • Time schedule

Letter of Motivation
Please also mention your field of study and seminars you have attended that are of importance with regard to the topic of your Bachelor Thesis.General information on Bachelor Theses at WU can be found here.

How does the ageing of the Austrian population develop?

The average age of the Austrian population as well as the proportion above age 65 increases as a consequence of increasing life expectancy together with lower birth rates. Describe the past trends of these factors and discuss likely future trends and their impacts on changing population size and structure in Austria.

If you are interested in this topic, please contact Prof. Wolfgang Lutz