Refugees and Migrants: an asset to Austrian business? 19.3.2018

Katharina Schaal-Mulacek, Knowledge Management, Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF), Margit Kreuzhuber, Delegate for Migration and Integration, WKO, Stefan Steinberger, Initiator & Co-Founder of refugees{code}, Nina Poxleitner, Co-Founder of MORE THAN ONE PERSPECTIVE (MTOP), Mohammad Hisham Hawat, Founder of Taybat, ÖIF & MTOP Alumnus discussed what skills and knowledge refugees and migrants bring to the Austrian market and what challenges they face. The panelists talked about how they influence the future of business in Austria and about programs offered by there organizations, that support refugees and migrants in their integration into Austrian society and business. The panel discussion was moderated by Jelena Cerar from the Competence Center for Emerging Markets & CEE.