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Das WU Vienna Center for Strategic Business Analytics (CSBA) vernetzt Forschende, Industrieexperten und Studierende, um Spitzenforschung im Themengebiet datenbasierte Entscheidungsfindung zu betreiben.  

Die fundierte und breit gefächerte Expertise des CSBA ermöglicht eine optimale Verwendung von Data Science Methoden für betriebswirtschaftliche Fragestellungen und deren Problemlösung.  

New Research Article on Algorithmic Fairness

11. August 2022

How does imputation of missing data impact the fairness of predictions from Machine Learning (ML) models?

This important, yet previously under-addressed question is the focus of a newly published article in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Together with colleagues from Ireland and the US, CSBA director Dr. Christian Haas shows that different imputation strategies can have a significant effect on the resulting fairness of predictions, raising awareness that Algorithmic Fairness considerations need to be considered in all steps of a Data Analytics and Machine Learning pipeline.

Read the (open access) article here.

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