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Das WU Vienna Center for Strategic Business Analytics (CSBA) vernetzt Forschende, Industrieexperten und Studierende, um Spitzenforschung im Themengebiet datenbasierte Entscheidungsfindung zu betreiben.  

Die fundierte und breit gefächerte Expertise des CSBA ermöglicht eine optimale Verwendung von Data Science Methoden für betriebswirtschaftliche Fragestellungen und deren Problemlösung.  

CSBA hosts 'Meet the WU A* Journal Editors'

25. April 2022

The CSBA would like to invite you to an editor’s panel associated with journals on WU’s A* Journal List for a candid discussion of topical trends, standard and emerging good practices, and common submission shortfalls on June 2, 2022 from 10:00-11:30.

We are happy to be hosting editorial board members from the journals Management Science (Prof. Dr. Ben Greiner), International Journal of Research in Marketing (Prof. Dr. Martin Schreier) and Strategic Management Journal (Prof. Dr. Igor Filatotchev).

Our target audience is pre-tenure research staff and prae-docs nearing the end of their dissertation with plans to continue in academia. Registration is limited to 30 people.

Please register by Wednesday, May 26, 2022 by sending an email to You will receive a calendar invite with the pertinent information after your registration.

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