Blick auf die Loungesessel in der Erholungszone vor dem D4 Gebäude.

Research Program


Unsere Institute informieren auf ihren Seiten über ihre laufenden Projekte und geben Einblick in die Forschungsstrategie.

Einige ausgewählte insitutsübergreifenden Projekte dürfen wir an dieser Stelle präsentieren:

WU Vienna Center for Strategic Business Analytics


The WU Vienna Center for Strategic Business Analytics brings together researchers, industry professionals, and students to conduct cutting-edge, world-class research in data-driven decision making. Utilizing the diverse methodological expertise of its members, it facilitates the application of data science techniques for business problems. 


Business Model Innovation

The Department of Strategy and Innovation at WU Vienna is conducting a comprehensive research program on Business Model Innovation. The Department thus tackles unanswered questions in a field that has been receiving high attention from both practitioners and academics alike.

The program combines as well as integrates the distinctive core competencies of researchers within the Department such as strategic management, innovation, management control, organization, and corporate governance. Responsible for the program is Professor Christopher Lettl.