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Path: VVZ SoSe 2024 > Bachelor programs > Admission to a specialization - Bachelor WISO & WIRE

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Admission to a specialization - WISO & WIRE bachelorĀ“s programs

Depending on the requirements of the respective institute, participation in an admission procedure and/or entry test is required for admission to a specialization. You can find more information on the website of the respective specialization.

All information and the registration options of each respective curriculum can be found on the website "Einstieg in die Spezialisierung".

In any case, registration for the respective admission procedure and/or entry test ("Einstieg in die Spezialisierung") is absolutely necessary.

Registration for the admission procedure/entry test is completed by entering its respective course number in LPIS.

After you have been assessed as "successfully participated" in the "ET" entry to the specialisation, you can select the respective specialisation in the LPIS and register for course 1.

If you have any questions about the specializations, please contact the Examinations Office Team by email at

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