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Ivan Lazarov, PhD, LL.M.

Photograph: Ivan Lazarov

Ivan was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. He obtained a Master’s degree in Law from Sofia University in 2014. Before and following graduation, he worked at a Bulgarian law firm as an associate for more than 3 years. The main fields of expertise of the firm were European Union law and taxation. In 2016, Ivan completed the LL.M. program in International and European Business Law at KU Leuven (Belgium) with great distinction. There he focused on taxation and financial regulations. After graduating from KU Leuven, he worked as a research associate at the Chair of International Law at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany) for a year. Ivan’s expertise and interests are in the areas of European Taxation and measures against tax avoidance. In September 2017, Ivan Lazarov started his doctoral studies under the DIBT program at WU, which he successfully finished in February 2021 with a doctoral thesis on “Anti-Tax-Avoidance in Corporate Taxation under EU Law: The Internal Market Narrative”. He continued his academic career as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the IBFD.

Ivan successfully defended his thesis on 15.02.2021

Core discipline: Law