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Pfad: VVZ SoSe 2024 > Verzeichnis der LV gegliedert nach Instituten und Abteilungen



Nr. LV-Typ(en) LV-Titel
5937 PI Global Economic Environment Präsenz-Modus
Anmeldung über LPIS
vom 25.01.2024 15:00 bis 07.04.2024 23:59
Abmeldung über LPIS
vom 25.01.2024 15:00 bis 14.04.2024 23:59

LV-Leiter/in Antea Barisic, Ph.D.
Semesterstunden 2
Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Mi, 17.04.2024 13:00-16:00 Uhr D3.0.233 (Lageplan)
Fr, 19.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.0.374 (Lageplan)
Mi, 24.04.2024 13:00-16:00 Uhr D3.0.233 (Lageplan)
Fr, 26.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D3.0.218 (Lageplan)
Fr, 03.05.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D3.0.222 (Lageplan)
Mi, 08.05.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.0.374 (Lageplan)
Mo, 13.05.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.0.392 (Lageplan)
Mi, 15.05.2024 14:00-16:00 Uhr D3.0.233 (Lageplan)
Termindownload (ical) | Termine abonnieren

Weitere Informationen https://learn.wu.ac.at/vvz/24s/5937

Inhalte der LV:

The Global Economic Environment course offers comprehensive examination of the dynamic forces and factors shaping the global business landscape. It equips participants with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of the global economy and excel as effective leaders in today’s rapidly evolving world. The course delves into key debates related to the global economic environment and covers a range of topics, including the analysis of global economic interdependence, economic growth and development, patterns of international trade and investments, importance of the technological change brought by the Fourth industrial revolution, scarcity of natural resources, and the role of key multilateral economic institutions such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization. It is designed for students seeking for a deeper understanding of key contemporary global events. It primarily focuses on the economic aspects, while also touching on political and social ones.

Globalization has been transforming the world economy in radical ways and has put tremendous pressure on local businesses as well as on policy makers. To succeed in the global economy and achieve growth within it, a thorough understanding of the global economic environment is crucial. This course aims to develop understanding of the various aspects of the global economic environment by addressing some of the key questions: What are the emerging areas of competition? How can local businesses increase their capabilities and competitiveness to integrate into global markets? What opportunities exist for them to innovate, acquire new knowledge, and expand? What lessons can be learned from global industrial successes and failures? What are the implications of economic policies?

By providing students with an in-depth understanding of contemporary challenges and opportunities in the context of global competition and industrial development, this course tackles these issues. The analytical framework encompasses a macro-level analysis of trade, foreign direct investments, migration and labour markets while also offering an industrial and firm-level perspective. The theoretical and conceptual understanding is grounded in recent empirical evidence and case studies. Thus, the course helps students to navigate the global business environment and shapes them for effective leadership in today’s increasingly complex, changing globalised world.

Lernergebnisse (Learning Outcomes):

This course aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:

1. Develop understanding of theoretical concepts outlined in the course, including globalisation, global value chains, foreign direct investment, international migration, Fourth industrial revolution, competitiveness and geopolitics.

2. Acquire the necessary competencies to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses of the global economic environment.

3. Identify and evaluate challenges and opportunities in the global economic environment.

4. Apply critical and analytical thinking skills when examining the impact of the global economic environment on contemporary economies and industries

5. Demonstrate the ability to think strategically within the context of global economic challenges and opportunities.

6. Develop competencies to effectively utilise conceptual tools and models for evaluating the policies effects.

Regelung zur Anwesenheit:

Class attendance is mandatory.


Each teaching unit (1-7) will be delivered using a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops. Case studies and video materials will be used to enhance understanding, and quizzes will be used to increase the student engagement. Additionally, students will be assigned independent and/or group assignments to work on outside the class. They will have the opportunity to present their findings and insights to the class.
To support their assignments students will receive mentoring from the lecturer on the assigned topics. The guidance will help them to complete their short seminars and deliver concise presentations. In order to gather relevant information and resources, student will be encouraged to utilize publications available through internet search. By engaging in a variety of learning activities, students will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the course materials, apply their knowledge to real- world scenarios and develop their presentation and research skills.

Leistung(en) für eine Beurteilung:

Class attendance is mandatory and active participation in various in-class assignments contributes to 20% of the final grade.

The final written exam accounts for 60% of the final grade.

The research work output and presentation account for 20% of the final grade.


Students are required to have a basic knowledge of economic terminology and should have successfully completed an introductory course in economics prior to enrolling to this class.

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 22.01.2024 10:31

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