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Pfad: VVZ SoSe 2024 > Verzeichnis der LV gegliedert nach Instituten und Abteilungen



Nr. LV-Typ(en) LV-Titel
5860 PI A Consultants Perspective on International Infrastructure Investments Präsenz-Modus
Anmeldung über LPIS
vom 12.02.2024 14:00 bis 20.02.2024 23:59
Abmeldung über LPIS
vom 12.02.2024 14:00 bis 01.03.2024 23:59

LV-Leiter/in Dr. Christoph Riedler, MSc (WU)
Planpunkte Bachelor SBWL Kurs III - International Business
Course III - International Business
Kurs III - International Business
Semesterstunden 2
Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Mo, 04.03.2024 17:00-19:00 Uhr Online-Einheit
Fr, 08.03.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr TC.5.16 (Lageplan)
Fr, 22.03.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr TC.5.14 (Lageplan)
Fr, 12.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr TC.5.16 (Lageplan)
Fr, 19.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr TC.3.11 (Lageplan)
Fr, 26.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr Online-Einheit
Fr, 03.05.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr TC.5.16 (Lageplan)
Fr, 17.05.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr Online-Einheit
Termindownload (ical) | Termine abonnieren

Weitere Informationen https://learn.wu.ac.at/vvz/24s/5860

Inhalte der LV:

The G20 estimates the need for additional infrastructure investments beyond the current projected levels at 15 Trillion USD until 2040, which implies a yearly funding (or infrastructure) gap of 0,75 Trillion USD.

Although public spending may increase in the wake of the Covid19-crisis as a means of anti-circular spending, public funds will not be adequate to close the infrastructure gap. Therefore, private investments will be of great importance to update existing assets and build new infrastructure. Among these, investments in telecommunication (5G-Networks, Fiber-Cable, Satellites), renewable energy, transportation, social infrastructure (Health Care, Education) will be especially important.

For both public and private sponsors a detailed and meaningful planning process is of utmost importance, since infrastructure projects are capital intensive, run for many years and since the financing of the projects depends strongly on the underling planning model. Therefore, many sponsors tend to turn to advisory firms to evaluate their financial models or hand over the planning process to the consultancy firm.

In this course, an ex-consultant from a big four company will discuss infrastructure investments from a theoretical (finance) perspective and illustrate the planning and structuring process of international infrastructure investments. A case study of an international infractructure investment as well as an financial model will be integrated in the course to transfer the theoretical knowledge to a practical case. 

Lernergebnisse (Learning Outcomes):

During the course, students

  • have acquired theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the nature and particularities of infrastructure investments,
  • have gained theoretical and conceptual knowledge of international project finance,
  • have an gained an overview of the international infrastructure market and
  • understand how to develop a simple integrated financial model using Excel.
Regelung zur Anwesenheit:

The course will be offered in hybrid mode. The introduction session on 04.03.2024 will be an asynchrone lecture cast. The coaching session on 26.04.2024 will take place via MS Teams. The final session will be an online exam. The remaining sessions will be held on campus. Attendance is mandatory in all live sessions


The course is designed as a hybrid course with a group project. It consists of lectures on international finance with focus on project finance as well as interactive modeling sections in Microsoft Excel.

Students are expected to complete ALL weekly online learning components:

- Pre-session mandatory readers

- Weekly online quizzes on the readers

- Group work and presentation

- Final exam (online)

Teaching language is English.

You need a Laptop with Microsoft-Excel to attend this course.

Leistung(en) für eine Beurteilung:

25% Weekly mini-quizzes on the readers

25% Group assignment

50% Final exam (online)


You need a Laptop with Microsoft-Excel to attend this course and some interest in finacial modeling!


Registration follows LPIS system and the "Waiting List" System.


Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.01.2024 18:02

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