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No. Type(s) Class Title
5502 PI Skills for International Business Communication Präsenz-Modus
Registration via LPIS
from 2024-02-27 14:00 to 2024-03-01 23:59
De-registration via LPIS
from 2024-02-27 14:00 to 2024-03-09 23:59

Instructor(s) Kurt Anton Ubelhoer, B.A.,M.A.
Subject(s) Bachelor Programs Course V - International Business Communication
Course V - International Business Communication
Credit hours 2
Language of instruction English

Detailed schedule
Tue, 2024-03-12 14:30-19:00 D4.0.133 (Map)
Tue, 2024-03-19 14:30-19:00 D4.0.133 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-09 14:30-19:00 D4.0.133 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-16 14:30-19:00 D4.0.133 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-23 14:30-19:00 D4.0.133 (Map)
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Further information

Contact details:

Practical application of research-based theory discussed in detail in the other courses of the Specialization in the form of, for example, roleplays, group work, and presentations.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to do the following after successfully completing the course:

- prepare an agenda for meetings, negotiations, etc.
- prepare reports
- prepare press releases
- prepare clean, persuasive slides
- organize and chair meetings
- give well-structured, audience-appropriate presentations
- deal with questions and criticism effectively and adequately


Attendance requirements:

As this is a class held in a PI format, attendance is required at least 80% of the time, but - in particular given the hands-on character of this class - recommended for the entirety of the course. The same applies should the class have to be held online.

Teaching/learning method(s):

This course will be held in a highly interactive format and will follow the various challenges - both internal and external - faced by a fictitious Austrian company. In the process, students will form teams to tackle these hurdles and present their ideas to the rest of the group as well as a raft of external stakeholders. This will include, among other things, the following tasks:

- preparing, executing, and briefing others on meetings
- drafting an effective message with pertinent visuals to communicate findings
- giving constructive feedback
- reflecting of the efficacy of one's own communication

The class will include roleplays, group work, presentations, and other activities.




Criteria for assessment comprise the following (percentage of overall grade in parentheses):

- presentation

  • group work: diligent preparation of slides (20%)
  • effective delivery (30%)

- written communication, such as report or press release (20%)

- periodic assessment (review quizzes) (20%)

- active participation (10%)

Appropriate language use will be the underlying criterion to the extent that it has an impact on the effectiveness of communication. Thus, while this is not a language class as such, correct grammar and spelling will inevitably be taken into account.


Course 1 ("Key Concepts") of the Specialization must have been completed successfully. Courses 2-4 are not technically required, but it is strongly recommended that students have attended at least two of those classes.

Last edited: 2023-11-20 14:20

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