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Path: VVZ SoSe 2024

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No. Type(s) Class Title
5490 PI Introduction to Research and Writing on Contemporary Policy Challenges II Präsenz-Modus
Registration via LPIS
from 2024-02-14 14:00 to 2024-03-01 23:59
De-registration via LPIS
from 2024-02-14 14:00 to 2024-03-02 23:59

Instructor(s) Univ.Prof. Jonas Bunte, Ph.D.
Subject(s) Master Programs Introduction to Research & Writing on Contemporary Policy Challenges Part II
Credit hours 2
Language of instruction English

Detailed schedule
Tue, 2024-03-05 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Mon, 2024-03-11 12:00-13:30 TC.5.03 (Map)
Mon, 2024-03-18 12:00-13:30 TC.4.03 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-09 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-16 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-23 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-04-30 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-05-07 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-05-14 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-05-21 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-05-28 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-06-04 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-06-11 13:00-14:30 TC.5.27 (Map)
Tue, 2024-06-18 13:00-16:00 TC.5.27 (Map)
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Further information

Contact details:

This might be the most important course you take during your college career. If you want to change the world, you will need to learn how to communicate messages accurately, correctly, and persuasively. However, how do we change the dominant narrative on a particular issue? How can we convince someone to change their opinion? How can societal organizations ensure that their voices are heard?

To answer the questions above, this course offers an introduction to the techniques and types of non-academic writing (In contrast to "IRWCPC I," which focuses on academic writing). We will first discuss under what conditions we can change narratives or convince others, and subsequently examine how specific types of non-academic writing can help us accomplish the task. Specifically, you will be introduced to different kinds of memos and public relations communications, as well as several types of official reports. Importantly, communicators in the public realm must focus on purpose, audience, and style -- foci that are different than typical academic writing that students may be familiar with. This course will help you develop a thorough awareness of the intended audiences and the necessary elements of effective communication with that audience. In addition, we will encourage thoughtful document design to facilitate comprehension, readability, and usability.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze situation, audience, and purpose as they apply to various non-academic writing contexts, such as internal communication (Background Memos, Recommendation Memos, etc.) and external communication (i.e., Press Releases, Op Eds, etc.).
  • Produce clear, concise, and effective communication.
  • Apply communication principles to composing and delivering typical professional messages.
  • Give and receive constructive criticism on professional communication.
Attendance requirements:

Attendance is mandatory in all sessions of the course. The attendance requirement is fulfilled if the students are present at least 80%. Students who do not meet the required minimum attendance must be de-registered from the PI as soon as possible. In the event of an absence, the lecturer should be informed in advance.

Teaching/learning method(s):

Learning activities consist in preparatory readings, teacher's input, discussions and other activities in class, individual assignments, as well as peer reviews.


  • Active participation in class and contributions to the discussion (20%)
  • Four writing assignments (60%)
  • Four Peer Reviews (20%)

Course enrollment is on the basis of "first come, first served" principle. If you have registered but cannot participate in the course, please de-register via LPIS so that your spot is available to students on the waiting list. If there is a waiting list for enrollment in the course, students on the waiting list will be notified after the end of the enrollment period and will be allocated to available spots.

Last edited: 2024-02-01 16:47

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