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No. Type(s) Class Title
5056 PI ExInt II: English Business Negotiations (Group 3 with Filzmoser) Präsenz-Modus
Registration via LPIS
from 2024-02-21 14:00 to 2024-02-28 23:59
De-registration via LPIS
from 2024-02-21 14:00 to 2024-05-19 23:59

Instructor(s) Mag. Barbara Filzmoser, ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Alexander Beer
Subject(s) Master Programs English Business Negotiations
Credit hours 2
Language of instruction English

Detailed schedule
Wed, 2024-05-22 08:30-13:00 TC.4.12 (Map)
Wed, 2024-05-29 08:30-13:00 TC.4.12 (Map)
Wed, 2024-06-05 08:30-13:00 TC.4.12 (Map)
Wed, 2024-06-12 08:30-13:00 TC.4.12 (Map)
Wed, 2024-06-19 08:30-13:00 TC.4.12 (Map)
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Further information

Contact details:

Each session of the course includes a theoretical and a practical skills part

In an interactive approach, the theoretical part focuses on the structure of a negotiation, the language devices that can be used to direct a negotiation in the desired direction (questioning techniques, persuading, handling break-downs etc.) as well as on strategies which are commonly employed in negotiations e.g. good cop-bad cop, slice the salami.

In the practical part, students apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in simulated negotiation settings to be held one-on-one or in teams. As a follow-up assignment, students will be asked to watch recordings of their negotiations on learn@wu and analyze their performance to benefit further.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, students will have increased their awareness of the key strategic role that language and communication play in business negotiations and better understand the mechanisms underlying the linguistic techniques employed in negotiations.

On the basis of study-related simulations, students learn to apply strategic language (phrases and terminology) effectively by progressing from handling negotiations focusing on one issue only to complex ones.

Also based on an analysis of their own negotiations, students will have improved their negotiation skills .

By evaluating one of their fellow students' negotiations, they are provided with the opportunity to reflect on the various negotiation elements discussed in class.

Students will have reached a level of C1 according to the Common European Framework.

Attendance requirements:

In general, students are required to attend all classes; one absence will be tolerated, but the instructor should ideally be informed in advance to make any necessary arrangements.

Teaching/learning method(s):

Theoretical part: interactive approach

Practical skills part: case-studies based role-plays and simulations; video analysis of model negotiations and students´ own performance, with discussion


Attendance of all sessions is required (formal records of attendance will be kept).

  • active and continuous classroom participation (20%)
  • written assessment/evaluation of another group's negotiation (20%)
  • overall performance in role plays throughout the course (60%)


Last edited: 2024-05-22 09:12

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