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Pfad: VVZ SoSe 2024 > Verzeichnis der LV gegliedert nach Instituten und Abteilungen



Nr. LV-Typ(en) LV-Titel
4896 PI Specialization in Business Administration Course V - Non-Financial Accounting Präsenz-Modus
Anmeldung über LPIS
vom 19.02.2024 15:00 bis 23.02.2024 23:59
Abmeldung über LPIS
vom 19.02.2024 15:00 bis 10.03.2024 23:59

LV-Leiter/in Dr. Josef Baumüller
Planpunkte Bachelor SBWL Kurs V - International Accounting and Controlling
Course V - International Accounting and Controlling
Kurs V - International Accounting and Controlling
Semesterstunden 2
Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Mi, 13.03.2024 14:00-17:30 Uhr D5.1.002 (Lageplan)
Fr, 22.03.2024 14:00-17:30 Uhr TC.5.12 (Lageplan)
Mi, 03.04.2024 14:00-17:30 Uhr D5.1.003 (Lageplan)
Mi, 10.04.2024 14:00-17:30 Uhr D5.1.003 (Lageplan)
Mo, 29.04.2024 14:00-17:30 Uhr D2.0.030 (Lageplan)
Di, 30.04.2024 14:00-17:30 Uhr D5.1.003 (Lageplan)
Termindownload (ical) | Termine abonnieren

Weitere Informationen https://learn.wu.ac.at/vvz/24s/4896

Inhalte der LV:

This course deals with relevant concepts and standards in the fields of non-financial accounting, adressing the question of how to measure and report on the non-financial performance of companies (and other entities). It adresses sustainability accounting, integrated reporting and non-financial reporting as established by the NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive) in the EU. Furthermore, an outlook on recent developments is given, especially with regards to the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) that have to be applied from the year 2024 onwards. Besides external reporting purposes, also relevant implication for management accounting, finance and valuation are outlined.

Lernergebnisse (Learning Outcomes):

At the end of the course, students are able to assess the relevance of non-financial information for corporate practice and analysis, including the link between financial and non-financial performance. Especially, they are able to distinguish different types of reporting standards and the information included in them - with a special focus on the new ESRS. They have a deepened understanding for the processes and requirements underlying such reports and can derive implications for managing companies.

Regelung zur Anwesenheit:

This course is a PI course with 80% attendance (for all course sessions in total, excluding examinations). Students that do not meet this limit for attendance will not be allowed to pass the course.


The course comprises two parts: the first part gives theoretical inputs about relevant frameworks for non-financial accounting (as well as their implications for financing and valuation) and the necessary processes for drawing up reports about the non-financial performance of companies. The second part focusses on supporting students to work with and interpret such a report in order to give them further practical insights into the subject matter.

The first part of the course consists of lectures, practical examples and discussions. The lectures are partly based on textbooks and partly on the texts of relevant standards. Relevant chapters in the books and additional material will be announced and partly also provided throughout the course. Please note that some of these materials are only available in German.

In the second part of the course, students work out case studies and get the opportunity to present them to as well as discuss them. In doing so, they are coached so that they get practical insights into the required processes that underlie non-financial reports.

Leistung(en) für eine Beurteilung:

The Assessment is based on:

· Assignment 1: 20%

· Assignment 2: 10%

· Assignment 3: 20%

· Assignment 4: 10%

· Final Report: 40%

In order to pass the course, students are required to achieve more than 50% of the total reachable points. The detailed grading scheme is the following:



>=88% of total points



>=76% of total points



>=63% of total points



>  50% of total points



<= 50% of total points

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.01.2024 21:10

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