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Pfad: VVZ SoSe 2024 > Verzeichnis der LV gegliedert nach Vortragenden



Nr. LV-Typ(en) LV-Titel
5793 PI Digital Marketing Lab Präsenz-Modus
Anmeldung über LPIS
vom 15.02.2024 14:00 bis 21.02.2024 23:59
Abmeldung über LPIS
vom 15.02.2024 14:00 bis 08.03.2024 23:59

LV-Leiter/in Alexander Kulumbeg, MSc (WU)
Planpunkte Bachelor SBWL Kurs V - Digital Marketing
Course V - Digital Marketing
Kurs V - Digital Marketing
Semesterstunden 2
Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Mo, 11.03.2024 10:00-11:30 Uhr K D3.0.233 (Lageplan)
Mi, 20.03.2024 10:00-11:30 Uhr EA.6.032 (Lageplan)
Mi, 10.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.1.491 (Lageplan)
Mi, 24.04.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.1.491 (Lageplan)
Mi, 15.05.2024 10:00-13:00 Uhr D3.0.233 (Lageplan)
Mi, 29.05.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.1.491 (Lageplan)
Mi, 12.06.2024 14:00-17:00 Uhr D2.1.491 (Lageplan)
Do, 20.06.2024 10:00-13:30 Uhr TC.3.03 (Lageplan)
Fr, 21.06.2024 10:00-11:45 Uhr Online-Einheit
Termindownload (ical) | Termine abonnieren

Weitere Informationen https://learn.wu.ac.at/vvz/24s/5793

Inhalte der LV:

In this course, you will use the knowledge gained in the core courses of our digital marketing specialization and solve actual business problems provided by a company partner. You will work in teams and apply your skills to real-world marketing challenges or take a sneak peek into our applied research in digital marketing. Overall, the digital marketing lab is designed to stimulate in-class discussion and empower you to work on business and/or applied research problems in a real-world environment. 

Lernergebnisse (Learning Outcomes):

This course is designed to offer you the opportunity to develop or strengthen your transfer skills. The aim here is for you to take the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this specialization and translate these into operational marketing plans.

This course will enable you to: 

  • Apply your skills to digital and data-driven marketing challenges
  • Strengthen your analytical and problem-solving abilities
  • Improve your presentation skills
Regelung zur Anwesenheit:

Attendance at the student kick-off (March, 11), partner kick-off (March, 20), interim (May, 15), and final presentations (June, 20) are mandatory. Please do not take the course if you can't attend these dates.

In the exceptional case that you cannot attend a mandatory session for important reasons (e.g., sick leave, quarantine), you should provide proof. 

Overall, a minimum of 80% attendance of total class time is needed for passing. This means you can miss 2 of the non-mandatory sessions. 


This course is taught using a combination of: 

  • Group work
  • Coaching sessions
  • Presentations and discussions
Leistung(en) für eine Beurteilung:


The course has 4 ECTS, which translates into a workload of 100 hours, 22 hours of which are contact hours in the classroom. That means that you’ll need to work for about 78 hours outside the classroom. The workload (in hours) that you can anticipate for every grading component is approximately proportional to the weight that each grading component has for your final grade (i.e., expect a workload of approx. 7.5 hours for a case that has a 10% weight for your final grade).

Weights for each grading component used to compute your final grade:

  • Interim pitch (group work, 20%)
  • Final presentation (group work, 40%)
  • Report of learnings (individual work, 20%)
  • Participation and peer evaluations (individual work, 20%)

Note: To successfully pass this course, your weighted final grade needs to exceed 60%.

In-Class Participation:

We will record your attendance and participation in class discussions and also conduct short quizzes in class. Your participation is a combination of how often you’ve interacted with our questions and the quality of your comments. You will have multiple opportunities to contribute to in-class discussions.

Overall             Points Grade

90-100             1.0
80-89               2.0
70-79               3.0
60-69               4.0
Below 60         5.0


This course is designed as a core component for students of WU's Bachelor program specialization (SBWL) "Digital Marketing." Admittance to the SBWL is a prerequisite for participation in the course. For more information on how to obtain admission to the SBWL, visit the program's website.

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.01.2024 13:44

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