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Pfad: VVZ SoSe 2024 > Verzeichnis der LV gegliedert nach Vortragenden



Nr. LV-Typ(en) LV-Titel
4070 PI Negotiation Strategies and Techniques. A Case Study Approach Based on the Harvard Program on Negotiation Präsenz-Modus
Anmeldung über LPIS
vom 29.02.2024 14:00 bis 15.05.2024 23:59
Abmeldung über LPIS
vom 29.02.2024 14:00 bis 19.05.2024 23:59

LV-Leiter/in Mag.Dr. Manfred Hückel
Semesterstunden 2
Unterrichtssprache Englisch

Mi, 22.05.2024 12:30-18:30 Uhr D4.0.136 (Lageplan)
Do, 23.05.2024 11:00-16:00 Uhr TC.4.15 (Lageplan)
Mi, 05.06.2024 12:30-19:00 Uhr D4.0.136 (Lageplan)
Do, 06.06.2024 10:00-15:00 Uhr EA.5.030 (Lageplan)
Termindownload (ical) | Termine abonnieren

Weitere Informationen https://learn.wu.ac.at/vvz/24s/4070

Inhalte der LV:

PLEASE NOTE: In preparation of the course, all participants have to download the following case in English language at their own cost and bring to the first unit. The costs are U$ 8.50,- in total for both parties.

Sally Soprano I: the download link will be shared a few days before the start of the course


Negotiation strategies and techniques based on the Harvard Program on Negotiation.

Lernergebnisse (Learning Outcomes):

After attending this course, students will be able to

  • prepare themselves efficiently for and deal with business negotiations, based on the principles of the 'Harvard Program on Negotiation'
  • perform better in negotiations and long-lasting business relationships
Regelung zur Anwesenheit:

Because of the highly interactive nature of the course, students are required to be personally present during all sessions of the seminar. 

Due to the highly interactive nature of the course, which requires students to negotiate regularly with each other, the class is limited to 24 students. A significant amount of time is spent both in and out of class preparing for the negotiations, actually negotiating, and giving and receiving feedback. The cases used are mostly Harvard cases.
Leistung(en) für eine Beurteilung:
  • Written preparation of the final multi-party, multi-issue case (40%)
  • Individual active contribution to solving the final case in class under time pressure (40%)
  • Active participation throughout the whole seminar (20%)


ZAS incoming students can register via the WWW on a preferential basis for places specifically marked for them during the ZAS period of registration.

2. WU STUDENTS ('freies Wahlfach')

Registration required via the WWW during the period of registration.

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.11.2023 16:53

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