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Internal Awards

WU is proud to honor outstanding performance in teaching and research in various ways. Awards serve to encourage top performance and provide incentives to improve quality in research.

WU Best Paper Award

Getting research results published is an integral part of any academic career. The WU Best Paper Award honors outstanding papers published by WU researchers in internationally renowned journals.

It aims to encourage WU researchers to build a stronger presence in the international exchange of ideas in their respective disciplines with high-quality publications. The award is also intended to serve as a platform for increasing the public visibility of WU researchers’ excellent achievements.

The WU Best Paper Award, established in the year 2000, is financed by the WU Anniversary Fund of the City of Vienna.

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Performance Bonuses for Outstanding Journal Articles

Performance bonuses are awarded for the publication of top journal articles in internationally respected magazines. Articles published in periodicals included in the "WU Star-List" (before 2016: "A+ List") and the various Department-Journal Ratings (before 2016: one single WU journal list). These performance bonuses are awarded pursuant to the Operational Agreement on Performance Bonuses and Examination Rates for Academic Staff (Betriebsvereinbarung zur Regelung der Leistungsprämien und Prüfungstaxen für das wissenschaftliche Universitätspersonal).

Find here more information and the Journal lists.

Stephan Koren Prize

The Stephan Koren Prize aims to support junior researchers. During a special graduation ceremony held every year, the WU Full Professors’ Association awards the prize to those PhD candidates whose doctoral theses and academic careers contribute to the excellent reputation of WU’s research.

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Winners of the Stephan Koren Prize since 2000

YearWinners Vonkilch Isabelle, Dr. Schmitt Jan,
Lessky Franziska, Ph.D., Ph.D. Buriak Svitlana, Eichinger Isabel, Dr. Böck Maximilian, Weiß Patrick, Ph.D., Kovacova Gabriela, Ph.D., Dr. Wurm Bastian, Hollaus Birgit Auer Desiree, Dr. Vith Sebastian, Häckl Simone, Cerar Jelena, Sailer Mariana Angela,
Findler Florian Ph.D.
2020Dr. Alexander Wilfinger, Raphaela Bauer, Julia Riess, Tom Grad, Ph.D., Alexandra Anderluh,
Dr. Christian Burkart
2019Julia Bachtrögler, Ph.D.Dr. Thomas Zörner,
Rosalia Bitterl, Ph.D., Laura Vana, Ph.D.,
Dr. Bernhard Burtscher, Nora Cechovsky,
Pedro Schoueri, Ph.D., Martin Hrusovsky, Ph.D.,
Dr. Björn Schmeißer, Dr. Markus Wabnegg
2018Drin. Franziska Metz, Drin. Viktoria Wöhrer,
Drin. Johanna Winter, Drin. Anna Katharina Struth,
Tamás Krisztin, Ph.D., Harald Amberger, Ph.D., Michael Platzer, Ph.D., Dr. Adhurim Haxhimusa
2017Dr. Limaj Everist PhD, Dr. Marta Glowacka MSc,
Thomas Lindner PhD, Florian Nagler, PhD,
Dr. Stephanie Novosel MSc, Mag.a Petra Sauer
2016Philipp Piribauer PhD, Dr. Fabian Pittke, Dr. Marion Stiastny,
Dr. Daniela Weber
2015Dr. Florian Huber, Dr. Karoline Spies, Dr. Gloria Warmuth,
Dr. Roman Wörner
2014Dr. Veronika Daurer, LL.B. (WU), Dr. Georg Kodydek,
Dr. Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Dr. Sigrid Schefer-Wenzl, MSc., BSc.
2013Dr. Kasper Dziurdz, Dr. Wolfgang Fellner, Dr. Eva Lienbacher, Dr. Barbara Müllauer-Hager, Dr. Christiane Schopf
2012Dr. Francisca Bremberger, Dr. Florian Brugger, Dr. Ulrike Kaiser, Dr. Wolfgang Ziniel
2011Matthias Bühlmaier, PhD, Dr. Helmut Haberleitner,
Dr. Markus Höllerer, Dr. Barbara Krumay
2010Dr. Philipp Nell, Dr. Daniela Hohenwarter-Mayr LL.M.,
Dr. Stephanie-Aurelie Hörmanseder, Dr. Barbara Demel,
Dr. Emel Arikan MSc.
2009Dr. Barbara Müller, Dr. Gernot Ressler
2008Dr. Aida Hajro (Numic), Dr. Reinhold Schodl
2007Dr. Marina Dabic, Dr. Christian Wagner
2006Dr. Ines Hofbauer, Dr. Hans Christian Mantler
2005Dr. Martin Schreier
2004Dr. Tina Chini, Dr. Martin Gelter, Dr. Anett Hermann,
Dr. Markus Leibrecht, Dr. David Meyer
2003Dr. Maria Madlberger und Dr. Thomas Roediger-Schluga
2002Mag. Dr. Harald Badinger
2001Dr. Andreas Mild (Hauptpreis), Dr. Andreas Strebinger und
Dr. Martina Schweitzer (Anerkennungspreise)
2000Dr. Manfred Frühwirth, Dr. Michael Peneder,
MMag. Dr. Hermann Heinz Rauchenschwandtner,
Dr. Christiane Veronika Müller, Dr. Gottfried Sebastian Steiner, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Trcka